Dr. Corjan Nolet is trained as a physical geographer with emphasis on fluvial and aeolian coastal processes. Through his PhD research at Wageningen University he has gained considerable experience in remote sensing techniques and geospatial data analysis. Corjan is an experienced Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) pilot and is an expert in processing and interpreting UAV-derived data.
His expertise’s include photogrammetric reconstruction software, radiometric and geometric calibration and image classification using machine learning techniques. Corjan has developed and conducted multiple training courses on the use of Google Earth Engine for geospatial analysis and has worked as a researcher / consultant in various international projects. Working in these projects, Corjan has attained valuable skills related to statistical analysis of large spatial climate data sets and interpretation of climate change scenarios on future water resources.
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Related publications
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Climate Risk Analysis and Prioritisation of Adaptation Measures for the Amu Darya River Basin, Uzbekistan
D. De Condappa, Hunink, J.E., Khanal, S., Nolet, C., Gaffarov, K., Gojenko, B., Muradov, R., Dosmukhamedova, R., Gaipnazarov, N., Iskanov, A., Kholmatjanov, B., Khujakulov, A., Mamarasulov, K., Tursunov, M., Van der Tak, C.
2023 - Technical Report
Climate Risk Assessment of Key Agricultural Supply Chains in the 3S and 4P Basins, Cambodia
Simons, G.W.H., C. Nolet
2023 - FutureWater Report
Climate Change Risk Mapping of the Amu Darya river basin, Uzbekistan
S. Khanal, Nolet, C., Tursunov, M., Hunink, J.E., de Condappa, D.
2023 - FutureWater Technical Report
Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment for the Electricity Distribution Infrastructure in Uzbekistan
Khanal, S., T. Imran, T., Nolet, C.
2023 - FutureWater Report 243
Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment for Digitize to Decarbonize – Power Transmission Grid Enhancement Project – Uzbekistan
Khanal, S., T. Imran, C. Nolet
2023 - Final Report
Integrated Strategic Water Resources Planning and Management for Rwanda
D'Haeyer, B., P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, C.Nolet, D. de Condappa
2023 - FutureWater Report 245
Climate Risk Assessment of Key Crops for the Agri-food Trade Between Europe, Africa, and Turkey
Schults, T., C. Nolet
2022 - FutureWater Report 235
InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia Monitor Upgrading
Contreras, S., C. Nolet, S. Khanal, A. Fernández, G.W.H. Simons
2021 - FutureWater Report 231
MIT Haalbaarheidsonderzoek: voorkomen van vorstschade in fruitteelt door flying sensors
Cárdenas Niño, N., C. Nolet
2021 - FutureWater Report 228
InfoSequia-4CAST: Baseline Design Report
Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons, C. Nolet, J.Beard, S. Khanal, A. Fernández
2021 - FutureWater Report 222
Renewable Energy for Climate Resilience in Bhutan – Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment
Nolet, C., A.F. Lutz.
2021 - FutureWater Report 218
Water Productivity Analysis: Irrigation Season 2020 (in Portuguese)
Van Opstal, J.D., M. de Klerk, A. Kaune, C. Nolet, J.E. Beard
2021 - FutureWater Report 218
Water Productivity Analysis: Irrigation Season 2020
Van Opstal, J.D., M. de Klerk, A. Kaune, C. Nolet, J.E. Beard
2020 - FutureWater Report 221
Bepaling van lokaal biomassapotentieel met de puntenwolk van het Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland 3
Nolet, C., N. Spliethof
2020 - Internship report
Determining the dryness index and evaporative fraction for satellite and drone images
Faassen, K., C. Nolet, S. Contreras
2020 - FutureWater Report 212
Monitor Ecopraderas: Seguimiento del estado de las praderas de la Vega del Alagón mediante indicadores de satélite
Contreras, S., C. Nolet, G.W.H. Simons
2020 - FutureWater Report 204
Water Productivity Analysis: Rainfed Season 2019-2020
Van Opstal, J.D., M. de Klerk, A. Kaune, C. Nolet, J.E. Beard
2019 - FutureWater Report 208
Climate Risk Screening for the Tonle Sap River Basin and the Mekong Delta River Basin, Cambodia
Nolet, C., J. Beard, A. Green, J.E. Hunink, G.W.H. Simons
2019 - FutureWater Report 189
TA-9755 GEO: East-West Highway (Shorapani- Argveta Section) Project, Georgia. Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment.
Nolet, C., A.F. Lutz
2019 - FutureWater Report 187
TA 9530-TAJ: CAREC corridors 2, 3, and 5 (Obigarm–Nurobod) Road Project, Tajikistan. Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment.
Nolet, C., A. Kaune
2019 - Conference Paper
Flying Sensors for Smallholder Farming: An Innovative Technology for Water Productivity Assessment
Van Opstal, J.D., A. Kaune, C. Nolet, J. van Til, J.E. Hunink
2019 - FutureWater Report 188
Glacio-hydrological Assessment for Hydropower, Mestiachala River, Georgia
Kaune, A., C. Nolet, A.F. Lutz
2019 - FutureWater Report 182
Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment North-South Corridor (Kvesheti-Kobi) Road Project, Georgia
Nolet, C., A.F. Lutz
2018 - FutureWater Report
H2020 – TWIGA: WP3 Progress Report
Nolet, C., J. van Til, M. de Klerk