Weather conditions vary from place to place and from time to time. However, our climate has never seen such quick and drastic changes in a short period as in the past decades. Our challenge lies in understanding the negative and positive aspects of climate change and how to react and adapt on these changes in the best possible way.
Climate change will likely alter the hydrological cycle in many ways. The temporal and spatial patterns of rainfall will increase with consequences for runoff, surface and groundwater storage, crop water requirements, river flow regimes, erosion and, greater likelihood of extremes – droughts and floods – in different parts of the world. Temperatures will rise so that crop water requirements will increase putting even more pressure on water resources. Irrigation, rainfed agriculture, hydropower, water supplies, and sanitation will all be affected, leading to changes in human health, wealth and security. On the demand side, as populations grow and as their income levels increase, their demand for water resources will change, both spatially and temporally.
The net effect of these supply and demand-side changes will present major challenges to future management of water resources for human and ecosystem development. Demand management, which aims to regulate withdrawals at sustainable levels through such measures as the promotion of sustainable use and water saving crop production techniques, will become increasingly important in areas where relative scarcity and competition between sectors is increasing. Supply side management will become a priority in areas where significant changes in inter-annual resource availability is anticipated and where populations are more vulnerable. Supply side management, in general, involves increasing or augmenting the supply of water resources through increasing storage capacity, abstraction from water courses, rainwater harvesting and recharge activities whilst also introducing incentives for water conservation.
FutureWater approach
FutureWater develops and applies innovative methods and tools to study and provide advisory services on climate change and water resources. One of the key strengths of FutureWater is that for each project specific approaches (either existing or new ones) will be used and if required developed. Especially for climate change in the context of water resources such a fit-for-purpose is essential. The most relevant climate parameters will be determined: e.g. rainfall, temperature, sea level rise, crop water requirements, and for each of those the spatial, temporal dimension and relevance will be evaluated.
FutureWater has access to a wide range of climate data, tools and experts. In-house datasets as well as tools and methods to access other data have been developed by experts from FutureWater. Typical examples are scripting tools to access, deduct and analyze climate data from the various CMIP products (Climate Model Intercomparing Project) and NASA-NEX-GDDP (Nasa Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections).
FutureWater has been involved in a wide range of climate change related projects in the water sector including mitigation and adaptation. FutureWater staff have supported clients in developing GCF (Green Climate Fund) proposal. Many projects consider impacts and potential adaptation strategies relating to climate change on existing and ongoing projects for clients such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank, National and Local Governments, River Basin Organizations, Science Foundations, Universities, and Research Organizations.
Our Solutions

Climate Risk Assessments
We play an important role in conducting Climate Risk Assessments (CRA) for potential investment projects. We are actively involved in developing and refining approaches to CRA in collaboration with reputable investors such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. In doing so, we focus on both top-down approaches, in which climate scenarios form the basis for impact assessments, and bottom-up approaches that focus on vulnerability.
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Technical Annexes on Nature-based Solutions for Water Security
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Climate and Disaster Risk Screening and Assessment Tool
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Bio-Physical Assessment and Hydrological Analysis for Mukungwa and Akagera Lower catchments in Rwanda
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Renewable Energy for Climate Resilience in Bhutan
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Baseline Assessment for the Identification of Landscape Restoration Options in Kyrgyzstan
FutureWater's role in this project is to provide remote sensing and GIS services with an aim of highlighting degraded areas of land in Kyrgyzstan and determining where restoration interventions are possible. The identification of highly degraded areas is achieved by analysing a number of remote sensing products, notably including NDVI...
Climate Risk Screening: Water Availability Indonesia
Indonesia is planning to use its water resources more extensively. Drinking water, irrigation and environmental flow requirements should be served and the baseline of how much water is available currently and under climate change should be known. FutureWater has developed a climate risk screening approach, based on a rapid assessment,...
WAT4CAM: Mekong-Bassac Hydrological and Hydraulic Study
The WAT4CAM program aims to apply IWRM and ISWM principles towards achieving the strategies of the government of Cambodia. This project (WAT4CAM subcompoment 3.1) supports this objective by performing a detailed hydraulic and hydrological modelling study, of which the outcomes will be used in the implementation of Prek rehabilitation works....
Future Evapotranspiration in the Souss-Massa Basin
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Climate Risk Assessment for the Li River in China
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Robust Decision Making for Land Use Planning in the Panama Canal River Basin
A Land Use Plan will be prepared for the river basin that belongs to and provides water for the Panama Canal. The regional plan (PIOTA) will set the framework, vision and direction for strategic planning and land use in the basin. For this purpose, the Panama Canal Authority and stakeholders...
Climate Risk Assessment for Kazakhstan’ Urban Infrastructure Modernization Program
The Government of Kazakhstan is promoting the “Wastewater Treatment Plants Reconstruction and Construction Program” to improve the wastewater treatment facilities in the 53 cities across the Country. During the first phase 11 Wastewater Treatment Plant are to be financed by ADB. FutureWater has undertaken a climate risk and adaptation analysis...
Hydrological Assessment for Hydropower in the Lukhra River
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CAREC: Developing the Water Pillar for Central Asia
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Creating a Bias Corrected, Downscaled Climate Model Ensemble to Provide Future Climate Change Projections for Morocco
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G3P: Development of a Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product
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eLearning on Hydrology and Climate Change for Hydropower Professionals
Hydropower production in Indonesia is the main renewable energy source in the country. There is a potential to double the capacity by building new hydropower plants and to optimize current plants. PLN is the main hydropower company in the country. The project aims at enhancing the capacity of its staff...
Climate Risk Assessment of Irrigation and Drainage Modernization Projects
The ADB supports Tajikistan in modernizing tow Irrigation and Drainage projects in the Lower Vaksh river basin in Tajikistan. A holistic feasibility study and project design for the system (38,000 ha), as well as advanced designs and bidding documents for selected works are prepared. FutureWater prepares the Climate Risk and...
Flood Risk Assessment of a Water System Under a Future Climate
In 2009, the former Velt en Vecht Water Board (now part of the Vechtstromen Water Board) and in consultation with the municipalities of Emmen, Coevorden, Hardenberg and Ommen concluded an agreement in which agreements were made about the scope and interpretation of the development of storm water retention areas. This...
Transboundary water management between Thailand and Cambodia
Transboundary projects aid the development of effective water resource management (WRM) by helping to limit competition over resources and in creating a dialogue for the transferral of beneficial lessons between the countries. This project takes an integrated approach to support the development of a water resource management plan for a...
Climate Adaptive Water Resources Management in Uzbekistan
The project undertakes a long-term and knowledge-based approach to deliver climate adaptive solutions for water resources management in Uzbekistan. The purpose is to modernize outdated irrigation and drainage systems that are currently highly vulnerable to climate change and to changes in inter-state agreements on water resources sharing. For two areas,...
Supporting Ambitious Climate Action in Central Asia
This project aimed to support Armenia, Georgia and Uzbekistan in targeting their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) spending to help adapt to the impacts of Climate Change at three spatial levels: National, Provincial and Urban. This involved performing detailed assessments of past and future climate trends and assessing climate related risk...
Climate Risk Assessment East-West Highway Road Project, Georgia
The government of Georgia has requested the assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to improve the Shorapani–Argveta Road Section F4 of the E60 East-West Highway. The proposed section improvement requires the construction of 12 tunnels (6 double tubes), 14 bridges, 4 interchanges and several deep cuttings and high embankments...
Climate Risk Assessment CAREC Road Project, Tajikistan
The Obigarm–Nurobod road section of the existing M41 highway, which carries about 3000 vehicles per day, will be inundated once the Rogun HPP reservoir has filled to operating levels. The government of Tajikistan has requested the assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to construct a 72 km long road...
Climate Risk Assessment Energy Distribution Network Modernization Program, Uzbekistan
In consultation with ADB and the project engineers, a rapid climate change assessment for the proposed investment program has been carried out so that the findings of the assessment can be integrated in the project design. The climate assessment focuses on the following issues: (i) screening of natural hazards in...
Feasibility Study for the Development of a ‘Small-hydro Climate Risk Assessment Tool’
Small hydropower (1 - 20 MW) does not require a Climate Risk Assessments yet, but this will eventually happen in the future. Investors are highly interested in the profitability of these small hydropower stations, especially because of the uncertainty caused by future climate change. Current methods for Climate Risk Assessments...
Climate Risk Assessment North-South Corridor Road Project, Georgia
The government of Georgia has requested the assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to progressively improve the North–South Corridor by (i) constructing a 23-km two-lane bypass road, (ii) providing adequate safety features and improving geometric alignment and (iii) providing well-designed...
Glacio-hydrological Assessment for Hydropower in the Nakhra River
The objective was to develop a glacio-hydrological assessment for planned run-of-river hydropower plant locations in the Nakhraa river basin in Georgia. The availability of observed river flow data is limited. Hence the assessment was developed based on hydrological simulations of the basin using the SPHY model (Terink et al., 2015)....
Training on Using Open Source Platforms for Hydrological Modelling of Data Sparse Regions in Nepal
This training was attended by sixteen researchers (seven female and nine male) from IOF, Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (CDHM), Department of Forests and Soil Conservation and the Institute of Engineering (IOE). The overall objective of this training was to ensure the use...
Glacio-hydrological assessment for hydropower, Mestiachala river, Georgia
The objective of this project was to develop a hydrological assessment for two potential hydropower plant locations in the Mestiachala basin in Georgia. The availability of observed river discharge data is limited. Hence the assessment was developed based on hydrological simulations of the basin using the SPHY model (Terink et...
Application of the Decision Tree Framework in the Chancay-Lambayeque Basin, Peru
The Chancay-Lambayeque watershed faces the challenges of rapid population growth and economic development in the presence of inadequate water supply, flood risk and environmental degradation. The study applies a step-wise approach, i.e. the World Bank’s Decision Tree Framework (DTF), to identify most important climate and nonclimate vulnerabilities for the system...
Thought Leader Convening on Water Towers
Scientists from around the world have assessed the planet’s 78 mountain glacier–based water systems and, for the first time, ranked them in order of their importance to adjacent lowland communities, as well as their vulnerability to future environmental and socioeconomic changes. These systems, known as mountain water towers, store and...
Supporting Adaptation Decision Making for Climate-Resilient Investments in Asia
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is planning to scale-up its investments in climate change adaptation in Asia and the Pacific. FutureWater is asked to support this by developing a “Good Practice Guidance” on climate-resilient infrastructure design in the water sector.
Improved catchment management for small hydropower
This study assessed the impacts of various investment portfolios for catchment management activities on the cost-benefits of small hydropower schemes, in two case study catchments in Kenya and Tanzania, and analyzes the return-on-investment for the hydropower developers. Catchment degradation trends, climate change impacts and socio-economic changes increasing competing water use...
Pan-TPE: Changes in the Pan-Third Pole Water Tower
The proposed research targets changes in climate, water supply and demand, and suitable adaptation measures for green development of the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) in the river basins crossed by the SREB transect. Given the strong role of large scale hydrology in the proposed research activities, the spatial domain...
AgriSeasonal: Seasonal Climate Services for Agriculture
Future climatic and hydrologic conditions have significant impacts for selecting crops varieties, planning the growing season and ensuring water supply during the irrigation period. To the present day, monthly to yearly decisions in agriculture rely on past climate observations. This practice is going to fail more frequently in the context...
Climate Risk Assessment: Yanji City China
Jilin Yanji Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient Urban Development in China is supported by the Asian Development Bank. In the context of this investment project FutureWater will undertake a Climate Risk Assessment (CRA). The CRA will be based on the bottom-up approach where climate models (GCMs) are not the guiding boundary conditions, but...
Climate Risk Assessment Using the Decision Tree Framework
The novel methodology that is piloted by the World Bank for assessing climate risks versus other risks on water resource projects, called the Decision Tree Framework (DTF), is applied to two two planned investments: (1) flood protection infrastructure and irrigated cropland expansion on the Nzoia river, Kenya; and (2) the...
Hydrological and water resources assessment for the Muhazi Dam
The current infrastructure at the outlet of the large Muhazi Lake in Rwanda is highly unstable and causes a risk to the surrounding and downsteam inhabitants. The authorities want to improve this situation by building a new dyke. A feasibility and detailed designs study was performed for this new structure....
SMART-WADI: SMART WAter Decisions for Iran
The SMART-WADI project (SMART Water Decisions for Iran), carried out by a consortium of FutureWater, IHE-Delft, and local partner EWERI, focuses on farmers who irrigate their crops with groundwater. The aim is to provide up-to-date information and advice on water productivity, irrigation and farm management. The project combines the latest...
Climate Projections and Risk Assessment for eThekwini Municipality
C40 is supporting a small set of pilot cities develop and update their climate action planning (mitigation and adaptation) to ensure it meets 1.5°C Paris agreement level of ambition. The City of Durban (eThekwini Municipality) is one of the cities participating in the pilot. Climate Adapatation Services and FutureWater together...
Lower Mekong: Development State of the Basin Report
The Mekong State of Basin Report is updated every 5 years serving as an important reference for the cyclic updating of the Mekong River Commission (MRC). This consultancy is supporting the development of the 2018 report focusing on the hydrology, environment and climate change chapters. The Mekong River Commission Secretariat...
Building Climate Change Resilience in Asia’s Critical Infrastructure
Critical infrastructure in South Asia and Southeast Asia needs to become more resilient to climate change. A Technical Assistance project, supported by Asian Development Bank (ADB), looks at three key sectors: transportation, transport and water. FutureWater is responsible for the assessment of the water sector which will aim to increase...
LAUREL: Land Use Planning for Enhanced Resilience of Landscapes
Deforestation, population growth, and climate change are only some of the challenges to sustainable landscape management in Madagascar. Severe impacts of land degradation on crop production, water availability and biodiversity are already observed and expected to exacerbate in the future. To address these challenges, the World Bank is supporting the...
Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Irrigation in Kazakhstan
The government of Kazakhstan with financial support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is planning to upgrade and rehabilitate its irrigation sector. A detailed Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) has been undertaken by a consortium led by FutureWater in 2017. The team collected all available data on the project...
Climate Resilient Water Supply System for Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan is upgrading and further developing its domestic water supply system in the western part of the country (Republic of Karakalpakstan). Tthe water supply system must be full climate proof in design and operations. The Green Climate Fund (through the Asian Development Bank) will be asked to finance the climate...
Climate Cascades
A few years ago project Climate Cascades was initiated by a consortium consisting of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Utrecht University, VITO (Belgium), and ALTERRA. The project aims at gaining an improved understanding on the effects of climate change on contaminants in the hydrological system....
Capacity Building to Assess Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Armenia
This project will build up the capacity of Armenian hydro-meteorological professionals in selecting and using models for analyzing climate change impacts and vulnerability. The focus will be on climate change impacts and vulnerability of water resources, agriculture and natural disasters. The project will enhance the professional’s capacity in i) collecting...
Impacts of climate change and sustainable land management investments on the Upper Tana
As part of the WISE-UP to Climate project FutureWater evaluated the impacts of climate change on investments in sustainable water and land management in the Thika/Chania watershed. The previously built SWAT model for this area was used to assess the impact of land management interventions under six different climate scenarios....
Catchment Study: Water Balance and Allocation Modelling in Rwanda
In an effort to introduce integrated land and water management, the Government of Rwanda, through Water for Growth Rwanda, commenced the development of catchment plans. FutureWater supported this effort by using the WEAP framework to develop catchment models for four selected demonstration catchments. Subsequently, the WEAP framework was used to...
Hydrological Evaluation and Ecosystem Valuation of the Lukanga Swamps
The Lukanga Swamps in Zambia are an important biodiversity area and serve as a major hydrological component of the Kafue basin. FutureWater was contracted to assess the value and contribution of the Lukanga Swamps to the Kafue Basin. FutureWater applied a combined approach of (i) remote sensing, (ii) SWAT hydrological...
Training in Water Resources Modelling for ARA-Sul
A Tailor-Made Training on Water Resources Modelling was required to equip the staff of the water agencies in Mozambique (ARAs) with additional knowledge to have a stronger advisory role towards policy and decision makers, and people living in the area. FutureWater provided this training to ARA-Sul and ARA-Norte. This training...
BRIGAID: BRIdging the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience
BRIGAID (BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience) aims at developing a new tools to bring climate adaptive innovations to the market. FutureWater contributes in two ways: it coordinates the work package on Droughts which performs and extensive stocktaking, testing, and business development process for a large number of...
Water2Invest Regional Demonstrator
To adapt to a changing climate governments, regional development banks, international donors and investors require information on where adaptation measures are most effective and most feasible in a specific context. To make information more easily accessible to end users, the Climate-KIC innovation project Water2Invest developed an offline and online tool....
Hydropower Development Assessment for the Tamakoshi River Basin
The overall objective of this project is to improve the understanding of the expected impacts of climate change on water availability in the context of potential hydropower development in the Tamakoshi River Basin. Specifically, the project aims to (i) Understand the current baseline hydrological regime of the Tamakoshi River Basin,...
Development of a Water Allocation Model of the Incomati River Basin
Two water allocation models were developed in this project as a tool to support policy evaluation and improve strategic and operational decision making procedures of ARA-Sul. WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) was chosen as modelling framework. Different scenarios were implemented in WEAP to show the impacts of possible changes and...
System-Risk: A large-scale systems approach to flood risk assessment and management
System-Risk is a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network which aims on developing and implementing a systems approach for large-scale flood risk assessment and management and provides a framework for training and career development of 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). In collaboration with the Royal Meteorological Institute (KNMI), FutureWater is the hosting...
Rainfall input data for hydrological model in the Tana Basin
The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) carried out hydrological modeling of the Tana Basin and needed improved rainfall datasets for this modeling exercise. FutureWater supported IWMI in preparing improved rainfall forcing based on the CHIRPS dataset.
Flying Sensors for Ultra-High Resolution Flood Risk Identification at Local Scales
The outputs of this project can be summarized as providing real time dike and levee information at local scales (up to 10,000 ha) that is collected, analysed and used at the same local scale. The output is divided into two components. First, the Flying Sensor information will be used for...
IMPREX: IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes
FutureWater leads the coordination of the “Agriculture and Drought” sectoral Work Package of IMPREX. This WP specifically aims to study and evaluate the use of IMPREX weather forecasts and predictions, climate variability, and drought indicators to assess agricultural drought risk and impacts over four case studies and at the pan-European...
Feasibility study for a Payment for Watershed Services Scheme
This project pilots a Payment for Watershed Services (PWS) scheme in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park (RMNP) in Uganda. The goal of the pilot is to study the feasibility of the PWS scheme in the watersheds of the Mubuku and Nyamwamba rivers and supporting nature conservation and a healthy watershed...
Hydrological pre-feasibility assessment for the Romuku hydropower plant, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Following the successful development of other hydropower facilities in Indonesia, a new project aims to study the potential of the “Romuku” run-of-river power plant in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. A first step is to undertake a pre-Feasibility Study which will result in a go no-go decision for a more detailed Feasibility...
Water Resources Model for the Kenate Basin in South-Sudan
As there is an urgent need for informed decision making in ongoing and upcoming land and water resource development plans, the governments of South Sudan and the Netherlands (GoN) initiated a program for the Water Sector in Eastern Equatoria State (ProWasEES). The overall objective of this program is that “Kenate...
Review Climate Change Hindu-Kush-Himalaya
FutureWater provided a comprehensive review study on climate change and the impacts on cryosphere, hydrological regimes and glacier lakes in the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra river basins. This review study was done in the context of future hydropower development in the region.
Inclusive Development Paths for Healthy Red River Landscapes
Rapid land use changes in the Red River Basin threaten water resources. This project will be working in the Day River Catchment, a Red River distributary important for Hanoi, where most of these problems are manifest. The project will develop equitable and economically viable pathways for the land and water...
Demonstration of Remote Sensing Information for Integrated Reservoir Management in the Red River Basin in Northern Vietnam
In 2011 the Vietnamese and Dutch government signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a Government to Government (G2G) program for improved integrated planning and monitoring of water resources for transboundary water management and disaster risk management. This project was formulated as part of the G2G trajectory towards...
ThirdEye: Flying Sensors to Support Farmers’ Decision Making
The ThirdEye project supports farmers in Mozambique and Kenya with their decision making in farm and crop management by setting up a network of flying sensors operators. Our innovation is a major transformation in farmers’ decision making regarding the application of limited resources such as water, seeds, fertilizer and labor....
Water Allocation Model Development to Support Decision Making Procedures
Two water allocation models were developed in this project as a tool to support policy evaluation and improve strategic and operational decision making procedures of ARA-Sul, which is one of the five water management organizations in Mozambique. WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) was chosen as modelling framework. Different scenarios were...
Impacts of Climate Change in Uganda on the Water Sector
Uganda’s 2010–2015 five-year National Development Plan (NDP) recognizes that addressing the challenges of climate change is crucial to enhancing sustainable economic and social development. One of the key aims of the present study is to make an economic and social assessment of climate change impacts on the water sector in...
ASSET: Accounting System for the SEgura river and Transfers
Semiarid coastal regions, as the Southeastern of Spain in which the Segura River Basin is located, are expected to be more affected by climate change and the resulting aggravation of water scarcity, droughts and desertification than other regions. In this project the interactions between the economy and the hydrological system...
SWIMM: Soil Water evaluation system based on Integrated Measurements and Modelling
The main objective of the project was to support policy making, under current and future climate conditions, on optimal water management in nature reserve areas, based on uniform and consistent data collection. The project built upon knowledge developed under the “Klimaat voor Ruimte” framework and refined and demonstrated a method,...
HI-AWARE: Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience
HI-AWARE aims to contribute to enhanced adaptive capacities and climate resilience of the poor and vulnerable women, men, and children living in the mountains and flood plains of the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra river basins. Research, including modeling, scoping studies, action research, and randomized control trials, is conducted at 12...
Central Asia Regional Risk Assessment for Water Related Energy Sector Impacts
The objective of this study was to support the “Central Asia Regional Energy Sector Vulnerability Study” led by Industrial Economics (IEc) and funded by the World Bank, by carrying out an expanded risk assessment for water availability and water related energy sector impacts in Central Asia. The work built on...
Mapping the Potential for Rainwater Harvesting under Various Scenarios
Identifying areas where rainwater harvesting is a feasible solution is one of the aims of the RAIN Foundation. In 2010 FutureWater and Deltares were asked by RAIN Foundation to develop maps indicating the potential for rainwater harvesting (RWH) for Mali, Senegal and Burkina Faso. FutureWater and Deltares used the same...
Gridded Meteorological Datasets and Hydrological Modelling in the Upper Indus Basin
Understanding of the hydrological regimes in the mountainous Upper Indus basin (UIB) is essential for water resources management in the region. High-resolution gridded meteorological datasets, which capture the spatial variability of precipitation, are critical for modelling the hydrology of high-mountain regions. Improvements to existing gridded datasets using high-elevation station data...
Development of Baseline Climate Data Set and Trend Analysis in the Mekong River Basin
In 2013 the Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative of The Mekong River Commission was developing its first report on the status of climate change in the Lower Mekong Basin. An important component of this report would be to provide information on trends in the past climate. For this a detailed...
Food Supply and Demand under Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin
In 2013 the Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative of The Mekong River Commission was developing its first report on the status of climate change in the Lower Mekong Basin. An important component of the Status Report would be the impact of climate change on the agricultural sector and the projected...
Climate adaptation Colombia
The 2011 floods and droughts in the Magdalena river basin triggered the Colombian government and water institutions to enforce the attention given to water security and dike safety. To improve the capacities of Colombia for adaptation of water management to climate change pilot projects were started in one small and...
Climate change indicators for Mekong River Commission
With this study, the Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) offers a review of existing monitoring systems and indicators of climate change to improve the understanding of riparian governments, relevant line agencies and others on the status and impacts of climate change. The report should...
Water Availability Analysis for the Upper Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra River Basins
As part of the Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Program (HICAP) ICIMOD has contracted FutureWater to generate climate change and water availability scenarios for the upstream parts of the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins based on a high resolution hydrological model that FutureWater has developed.
Water2Invest: Climate Investment Support Portal
In this project a web-based service was built from which it is possible to select a country or region on a global map, calculate the current water availability from surface water and groundwater as well as current water demands from the three sectors (agriculture, industry, domestic) and to assess from...
Addressing Climate Vulnerability of Africa’s Infrastructure
Climate change is expected to have important implications of the cost, design standards and location of Africa's infrastructure projects. Since what climate will actually occur will remain largely uncertain in the foreseeable future, the challenge is to develop decision making frameworks capable of leading to investment decisions that are “desirable”...
Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Into Agriculture in the Southern Caucasus
This study contributes to the agriculture sector climate change impact assessment and adaptation and mitigation strategy identification and evaluation. The study encompasses the three countries of the Southern Caucasus region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The project also includes components for capacity building among in-country staff, and support of the World...
DMIAT: Drought Monitoring and Impact Assessment Toolbox for Vietnam
In this project a Drought Monitoring and Impact Assessment Toolbox (DMIAT) was developed for Vietnam in order to support their drought policy. A DMIAT is a combination of remote sensing, models, and decision trees. The DMIAT will help Vietnam to better understand past and current droughts, and how to act...
Monitoring of Glacier, Climate and Runoff in the Hindu – Kush Himalayan Mountains
For this project a review was conducted of current state of knowledge in (i) climate change datasets and downscaling used for glacier and high mountain modelling, (ii) glacier and snow contribution to river runoff in the Hindu – Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, (iii) hydrological modelling studies used for glacier and...
Climate Adaptive Drainage
The concept of Climate Adaptive Drainage is such that regional-scale water managers and local-scale farmers co-operate on the drainage system, in order to use the farm-scale soil system as an optimal water storage system. By using the local-scale soil as a water storage reservoir during rainfall events, current peak discharges...
Water and Adaptation Interventions in Central and West Asia
To assess the water resources availability in the Central Asia region under climate change hydrological models were developed for the two major rivers in the region, the Amu Darya and Syr Darya. Capacity building activities were undertaken to develop the capacity in each of the participating countries to use the...
The Middle East and North Africa Regional Water Outlook
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is considered the most water-scarce region of the world. Water investments absorb large amounts of public funds, which could often be used more efficiently elsewhere. The need for alternative and improved water management options is therefore urgently needed, but a clear overview...
Vulnerability to Climate Change in Agricultural Systems in Europe and Central Asia
To estimate the potential physical impacts of climate change on the agricultural sector of Albania and Uzbekistan a quantitative analysis at the agro-ecological zone level was carried out. Combined with an assessment of the country’s existing adaptive capacity, this provided a baseline estimate of vulnerability to climate change in the...
Impacts of Global Climate Change on the Water Resources of the Bunyala plains, Kenya
In this project an Integrated Water Resource Management Planning Tool for improved planning and management of sustainable food and sustainable livelihoods for the Bunyala flood plains of western Kenya was developed together with training materials for technical support in the maintenance and implementation of the planning tool and the facilitation...
Climate Change and Hydropower, Impact and Adaptation Costs: Case Study Kenya
A rapid assessment on the impact of climate change on hydropower generation in the Tana basin in Kenya using the WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning tool) approach was performed. The approach applied here to use a minimum and maximum climate change projection, provided decision makers with a range of options...
Q Fever and Physical Environmental Factors
There are strong indications that the risk of infection in humans with Q fever depends on physical environmental factors such as warm weather with dry soils and a certain wind. In this study, the influence of these factors, soil type and, in particular, usage and humidity are examined, taking into...
Scenario Based Water Resources Model to Support Policy Making
Appropriate planning in water resources, and more specifically in irrigation, is becoming increasingly important. However, policy makers and planners are often constrained by insufficient knowledge and tools to evaluate the consequences of alternative interventions. To illuminate these issues, a scenario-based policy oriented demonstration model was developed. The model focuses on...
CEOP-AEGIS: Hydrology and meteorology of the Tibetan Plateau
This project delivered a prototype Water Balance Monitoring System (WBMS) and a three-year data set including observations of the water balance terms of the Tibetan Plateau on weekly and monthly basis. These observations contributed to clarifying the role of Plateau hydrology in the onset and intensity of the Asian Monsoon...
Needs Assessment of Future ESA Satellites for Water Management in Southern Europe
At the beginning of the 21st century various tools based on Remote Sensing (RS) techniques from satellites to assist land management were developed. Yet, there were no real products dedicated for water management applications. However, around 2005 an increasing number of Remotely Sensed datasets and algorithms relevant to water managers...
Climate change and water quality
In discussions on the various effects of climate change, effects on water quality often get little attention. This study contributed to an increased awareness on the water quality aspects of climate change by giving an overview of the current knowledge on the relation between climate change and water quality and...
Adaptation to Climate Change for Agriculture in The Gambia
Methodology Development of adaptation benefit-cost framework: The framework was developed in a manner to make it possible to isolate development- and climate-related benefits and costs of individual projects and to assess the sensitivity of adaptation benefits and costs to the uncertainty inherent in regional climate change scenarios. Development of analytical tools and procedures: The project...