FutureWater provides advice for water resources management on different time scales, from day-to-day operational management of water levels in streams, soils and irrigation channels to larger-scale strategic decision making on water allocation to different users and sectors in a river basin. With increased competition for water resources and prolonged dry periods expected under climate change in most of the world’s river basins, sound decision making on the river basin scale is more urgent than ever. To facilitate river basin authorities to take well-informed decisions, it is essential to deploy modeling tools that dynamically simulate water demand across a basin and enable the evaluation of different supply strategies and infrastructure options. Executing such studies is part of the core business of FutureWater. We are specialized in selecting the appropriate tools for each challenge, using them to explore large amounts of climate scenarios and intervention strategies, visualizing the output to an end user in an attractive and informative way, and providing tailor-made advice. A key variable to consider in many of these applications is the unmet demand, i.e. the shortage of water experienced by a user due to a lack of supply under specific conditions. FutureWater has the expertise in-house to translate this unmet demand into relevant terms for specific sectors, e.g. crop yield loss (agriculture) or reductions in energy production (hydropower). For detailed studies examining water supply vs. demand, we couple physically-based modeling tools such as SPHY or SWAT to more conceptual models such as the Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) framework, in an integrated approach that makes optimal use of the strengths of the individual tools.
FutureWater applications
FutureWater constructed a detailed WEAP model for the Segura River Basin in southeastern Spain, one of the driest European basins. The map shows the model schematization and interlinkages between different water users and infrastructure, with inflows, storages, and outflows being extracted across the model. The model is deployed to support government authorities on management decisions.
Under assignment of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), FutureWater built an extensive WEAP model to provide advice on irrigation infrastrucutre investments foreseen by ADB and the Ministry of Water Resources And Meteorology (MOWRAM). The graph shows the extent to which the agricultural water demand is covered by supply in different catchments under various scenarios: irrigated area expansion in Oddar Manchey Province (01), two interbasin transfer options that are currently considered (02 and 03), increased reservoir expansion (04), irrigation modernization (05), and intensified cropping patterns (06).
Our In-House Tools & Services

GLOW: Global Water Availability Forecasting
GLOW is our advanced water forecasting tool that delivers real-time insights into water availability and demand. By integrating weather forecasts, hydrological models, and user-friendly visualization tools, GLOW empowers decision-makers to manage water resources effectively, mitigate risks, and enhance transboundary collaboration.

Follow the Water: Partitioning Water Flows in Irrigation Schemes
Meet Follow the Water, a tool that visualizes water flows in irrigation systems to quantify reuse and improve system design. By using virtual tracers, it helps users understand consumed and return flows, supporting efficient water management and modernization efforts.

REWAS: Real Water Savings in Agricultural Systems
REWAS is our user-friendly Excel-based tool for assessing water use and productivity in irrigated agriculture. By integrating diverse data sources and scenario-based analysis, it helps decision-makers evaluate interventions, optimize water management, and improve agricultural efficiency.
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Training Package and Technical Guidance for Water Productivity and Real Water Savings
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Water Resources and Eco-hydrological Assessments of Tonle Sap and Mekong Delta Basins
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Application of the Decision Tree Framework in the Chancay-Lambayeque Basin, Peru
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Climate Risk Assessment Using the Decision Tree Framework
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Hydrological and water resources assessment for the Muhazi Dam
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SMART-WADI: SMART WAter Decisions for Iran
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Remote Sensing for Land Suitability Assessment in Angola
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Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Irrigation in Kazakhstan
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Hydropower Development Assessment for the Tamakoshi River Basin
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IMPREX: IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes
FutureWater leads the coordination of the “Agriculture and Drought” sectoral Work Package of IMPREX. This WP specifically aims to study and evaluate the use of IMPREX weather forecasts and predictions, climate variability, and drought indicators to assess agricultural drought risk and impacts over four case studies and at the pan-European...
Strategic Basin Planning Ganga River Basin
The World Bank has assigned Deltares and its partners AECOM India and FutureWater to carry out the project ”Analytical Work and Technical Assistance to support Strategic Basin Planning for Ganga River Basin in India”. The key objectives of this project are (i) Significantly strengthen the capability of relevant central and...
Fresh Water Options Optimization
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Demonstration of Remote Sensing Information for Integrated Reservoir Management in the Red River Basin in Northern Vietnam
In 2011 the Vietnamese and Dutch government signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a Government to Government (G2G) program for improved integrated planning and monitoring of water resources for transboundary water management and disaster risk management. This project was formulated as part of the G2G trajectory towards...
Water Allocation Model Development to Support Decision Making Procedures
Two water allocation models were developed in this project as a tool to support policy evaluation and improve strategic and operational decision making procedures of ARA-Sul, which is one of the five water management organizations in Mozambique. WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) was chosen as modelling framework. Different scenarios were...
Central Asia Regional Risk Assessment for Water Related Energy Sector Impacts
The objective of this study was to support the “Central Asia Regional Energy Sector Vulnerability Study” led by Industrial Economics (IEc) and funded by the World Bank, by carrying out an expanded risk assessment for water availability and water related energy sector impacts in Central Asia. The work built on...
The Nairobi Water Fund: hydrologic modelling and economic valuation of investment options
In 2013 The Nature Conservancy (TNC) started working to launch the first Water Fund in Africa to restore and protect the condition of the Tana River and improve Nairobi’s water security. Key questions that needed to be answered were “Where and in what activities should the fund invest its money?”...
Online field-scale irrigation management for Romania
In this project a field-scale irrigation planning and management system was setup and tested. The basis for this system is formed by online in-situ ground data on soil moisture content and hydrological model calculations of the root zone and shallow subsoil. Weather stations and soil moisture sensors were installed at...
Climate adaptation Colombia
The 2011 floods and droughts in the Magdalena river basin triggered the Colombian government and water institutions to enforce the attention given to water security and dike safety. To improve the capacities of Colombia for adaptation of water management to climate change pilot projects were started in one small and...
Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Into Agriculture in the Southern Caucasus
This study contributes to the agriculture sector climate change impact assessment and adaptation and mitigation strategy identification and evaluation. The study encompasses the three countries of the Southern Caucasus region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The project also includes components for capacity building among in-country staff, and support of the World...