In this project a field-scale irrigation planning and management system was setup and tested. The basis for this system is formed by online in-situ ground data on soil moisture content and hydrological model calculations of the root zone and shallow subsoil. Weather stations and soil moisture sensors were installed at two large-scale arable farms in the Banat region in northeast Romania. The information was made available through the Crop-R Online FMS Farm Management System.
In April 2013, Partners for Water NL decided to start the project by Crop-R, DACOM, and FutureWater. The project’s target is to setup and test a field-scale irrigation planning and management system.

The basis for this system is formed by online in-situ ground data on soil moisture content and hydrological model calculations of the root zone and shallow subsoil. We will install meteo stations and soil moisture sensors at two large-scale arable farms in the Banat region in northeast Romania. These two flagship farms will get our cost efficient irrigation planning information, to be developed in a number of project phases. The information will be available through the Crop-R Online FMS Farm Management System.
Besides the two farm owners, our partners in Romania are the OSPA (OSPA Arad County) Agricultural Research Center and the ANIF Extension Service. We will involve regional scale water managers and the regional and central government, to be able to have sufficient possibilities to extend the current project to future activities. In this way, we will export up-to-date Dutch water knowledge and systems, that is in line with the Dutch topsector Water policy and mission.

Related publications
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2014 - Bachelor Thesis
ONLine parcel oriented irrigation advice Romania. Optimization of agricultural water resource management by using the SPHY model
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