Dr. Sergio Contreras is specialized in the ecohydrological functioning of native and agroecosytems of arid and semiarid regions, and its relation with human activities. During his career, Dr. Contreras has shown a special interest in the interactions and feedbacks between vegetation and groundwater, in the energy and water balance and in the biomass and agricultural productivity of these regions. His studies cover a broad range of spatial scales, from plot to regional, and methodological approaches (GIS and remote sensing, hydrological modeling, hydrochemical and isotopic techniques).
He was pre and postdoctoral researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) where he developed much of his scientific career, and did research stays in Australia, Argentina and USA. He has participated in several international and national research projects and contracts, and at present he is member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists and the American Geoscience Union. Sergio works in the FutureWater office in Cartagena, Spain.
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Related publications
2024 - Technical report
Satellite-based Water Productivity of dominant croplands in the Jucar River Basin (Spain) by local implementation of WaPOR algorithm
Fernández-Rodríguez, A., S. Contreras, G. Simons
2024 - FutureWater Report
Hydrological Assessment, Risk Analysis and Farming Opportunities in the Doñana Ecosystem and the Coast of Huelva (Spain): AWS Catchment Status Report
Contreras, S., M. Bea, J.E. Hunink
2024 - Agricultural Water Management
How Future Changes in Irrigation Water Supply and Demand Affect Water Security in a Mediterranean Catchment
Eekhout, J.P.C., I. Delsman, J.E.M. Baartman, M. van Eupen, C. van Haren, S. Contreras, J. Martínez-López, J. de Vente
2024 - ESA-Incubed Project Final Report (FREP)
Infosequia-4CAST: Towards an Operational Satellite-based Drought Early Warning and Forecasting System for Quantifying Risks of Crop and Water Supply Failures
Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández-Rodríguez
2023 - Technical report
MAGDA: Water Balance Simulations
Verschuren, L., A. Fernández, M. de Klerk, S. Contreras, E. Aparicio Medrano
2023 - FutureWater Report 234
InfoSequia-4CAST: Water Supply Pilot Case
Contreras, S., A. Fernández, J.E. Hunink, G.W.H. Simons
2023 - FutureWater Report 235
InfoSequia-4CAST: Crop Yield Pilot Case
Contreras, S., A. Fernández, A. Grudnowska, M. Wens, G.W.H. Simons
2023 - Technical report
Historical and Recent Patterns of Groundwater Recharge in the Campo De Cartagena Quaternary Aquifer by Combining Hydrological Modelling and Satellite Data
Contreras, S., J.L. García-Aróstegui, V. Robles-Arenas, J.E. Hunink
2023 - Technical report
G3P-GDI InfoSequia Integration and Evaluation Report
Contreras, S., A. Fernández
2023 - Technical report
G3P Evaluation Report
Urgilez-Vinueza, A., C. Ruz-Vargas, S. Contreras, T. Imran
2022 - FutureWater Report 234
InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia-4CAST Development
Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, A. Fernández, S. Khanal, G.W.H. Simons
2022 - FutureWater Report 235
InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia Monitor Upgrading
Contreras, S., C. Nolet, S. Khanal, A. Fernández, G.W.H. Simons
2021 - FutureWater Report 230
InfoSequia-4CAST: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan
Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández
2021 - FutureWater Report 229
InfoSequia-4CAST: Action Plan for Developing and Testing
Contreras, S., A. Fernández, G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons
2021 - FutureWater Report 228
InfoSequia-4CAST: Baseline Design Report
Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons, C. Nolet, J.Beard, S. Khanal, A. Fernández
2021 - Technical Report
Plan Indicativo de Ordenamiento Territorial Ambiental (PIOTA) para la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Canal de Panamá (CHCP)
FutureWater - IDOM
2020 - Internship report
Determining the dryness index and evaporative fraction for satellite and drone images
Faassen, K., C. Nolet, S. Contreras
2020 - FutureWater Report 212
Monitor Ecopraderas: Seguimiento del estado de las praderas de la Vega del Alagón mediante indicadores de satélite
Contreras, S., C. Nolet, G.W.H. Simons
2019 - FutureWater Report 197
Seasonal Hydrological Forecasting for the Segura River Basin, Spain
Hamed, R., A. De Tomas, S. Contreras, J.E. Hunink
2019 - BRIGAID Internal Report
InfoSequia Testing Development Report
Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink
2019 - FutureWater Report 186
Detection and coverage estimation of on-farm reservoirs and ponds in Mediterranean irrigated regions using orthophotos and pixel classification techniques
Contreras, S.
2019 - E-Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress
HERMANA: Co-Design of an Integrated Operational Water Management Tool For the Valle Del Cauca, Colombia
Ball, S., M.F. Sanchez, M. Werner, S.T. Escobar Carmona, C.Y. Soto Chavez, M. Wuis, S. Contreras, K. Douben, M. Visser, J.E. Hunink
2019 - Water
A Simplified Water Accounting Procedure to Assess Climate Change Impact on Water Resources for Agriculture across Different European River Basins
Hunink, J.E, G.W.H. Simons, S. Suárez-Almiñana, A. Solera, J. Andreu, M. Giuliani, P. Zamberletti, M. Grillakis, A. Koutroulis, I. Tsanis, F. Schasfoort, S. Contreras, E. Ercin, W. Bastiaanssen
2019 - Technical Report
El Marco del Árbol de Decisión: Aplicación a la Cuenca de Chancay-Lambayeque, Peru
Taner M.Ü., J.E. Hunink, S. Contreras, A. Hijar, R. Hamed, D. Morales, A. Wasti, P. Ray
2019 - FutureWater Report 194
Satellite-based altimetry data for hydrological assessments: two case studies
Hunink, J.E., J.P.C. Eekhout, J. de Vente, S. Contreras, G.W.H. Simons
2019 - Science of the Total Environment
Hydrogeological modelling for the watershed management of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain)
Alcolea, A., S. Contreras, J.E. Hunink, J.L. García-Aróstegui, J. Jiménez-Martínez
2018 - Agricultural Water Management
Comparison of meteorological and satellite-based drought indices as yield predictors of Spanish cereals
García-León, D., S. Contreras, J.E. Hunink
2017 - FutureWater Report 176
Cuantificación de la descarga subterránea al Mar Menor mediante modelización hidrogeológica del acuífero superficial Cuaternario
Contreras, S., A. Alcolea, J. Jiménez-Martínez, J.E. Hunink
2017 - FutureWater Report 174
Water and carbon fluxes in irrigated citrus orchards assessed from satellite data
Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink, A. Baille
2017 - Remote Sensing
Hydrological Modelling using Satellite-Based Crop Coefficients: A Comparison of Methods at the Basin Scale
Hunink J.E., J.P.C. Eekhout, J. de Vente, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, A. Baille
2017 - FutureWater Report 167
Hydrological Evaluation and Ecosystem Valuation of the Lukanga Swamps
Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, G.W.H. Simons, P. Droogers
2016 - Agricultural Water Management
Effects of saline reclaimed waters and deficit irrigation on Citrusphysiology assessed by UAV remote sensing
Romero-Triguerosa, C., P.A. Nortes, J.J. Alarcón, J.E. Hunink, M. Parra, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, E. Nicolás
2016 - Environmental Reviews
The role of groundwater in highly human-modified hydrosystems: a review of impacts and mitigation options in the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor coastal plain (SE Spain)
Jimenez-Martinez, J., J.L. Garcia-Arostegui, J.E. Hunink, S. Contreras, P. Baudron, L. Candela
2016 - Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics
Vertical and lateral soil moisture patterns on a mediterranean karst hillslope
Cantón, Y., E. Rodríguez-Caballero, S. Contreras, L. Villagarcía, X.Y. Li, A. Solé-Benet, F. Domingo
2015 - Agricultural Water Management
Estimating groundwater use patterns of perennial and seasonal crops in a Mediterranean irrigation scheme, using remote sensing
Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, M. Soto-García, B. Martin-Gorriz, V. Martinez-Álvarez, A. Baille
2015 - FutureWater Report 148
Scoping Assessment of Erosion Levels for the Mahale region, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania
Hunink, J.E., W. Terink, S. Contreras, P. Droogers
2015 - FutureWater Report 138
Water accounting at the basin scale: water use and supply (2000-2010) in the Segura River Basin using the SEEA framework
Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink
2015 - FutureWater Report 141
Hydrological pre-feasibility assessment for the Romuku hydropower plant Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, P. Droogers
2014 - Water Environment Research
Effects of reclaimed waters on spectral properties and leaf traits of Citrus orchards
Contreras, S., P. Pérez-Cutillas, C.S. Santoni, C. Romero-Trigueros, F. Pedrero, J.J. Alarcón
2014 - Droughts: Research and Science-Policy Interfacing
Drought effects on rainfed agriculture using standardized indices: A case study in SE Spain
Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink
2014 - FutureWater Report 125
Building a Watershed Information System for the Campo de Cartagena basin (Spain) integrating hydrological modeling and remote sensing
Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink, A. Baille
2013 - Earth observation of ecosystem services
Detecting ecosystem reliance on groundwater based on satellite-derived greenness anomaly and temporal dynamics
Contreras, S., D. Alcaraz-Segura, B. Scanlon, E.G. Jobbágy
2013 - Ecohydrology
Abrupt watercourse formation in a semiarid sedimentary landscape of central Argentina: The roles of forest clearing, rainfall variability, and seismic activity
Contreras, S., C.S. Santoni, E.G. Jobbagy
2012 - Plant, Cell and Environment
Stand structure modulates the long-term vulnerability of Pinus halepensis to climatic drought in a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem
Moreno-Gutierrez, C., G. Battipaglia, P. Cherebuni, M. Saurer, E. Nicolás, S. Contreras, J.I. Querejeta
2011 - Environmental Earth Sciences
Diffuse and concentrated recharge evaluation using physical and tracer techniques: Results from a semiarid carbonate massif aquifer in southeastern Spain
Alcalá, F.J., Y. Cantón, S. Contreras, A. Were, P. Serrano-Ortiz, J. Puigdefábregas, A. Solé-Benet, E. Custodio, F. Domingo
2011 - Catena
Controls of infiltration-runoff processes in Mediterranean karst rangelands in SE Spain
Li, X-Y., S. Contreras, A. Solé-Benet, Y. Cantón, F. Domingo, R. Lázaro, H. Lin, B. Van Wesemael, J. Puigdefábregas
2011 - Journal of Hydrology
Remote sensing estimates of supplementary water consumption by arid ecosystems of central Argentina
Contreras, S., E.G. Jobbagy, P.E. Villagra, M.D. Nosetto, J. Puigdefábregas
2010 - Water Resources Research
Vadose zone transport in dry forests of central Argentina: The role of land use
Santoni, C.S., E.G. Jobbagy, S. Contreras