FutureWater’s expertise and services span eight distinct fields, marked by extensive international experience. Beyond providing tailored research and consultancy services to clients, FutureWater takes a proactive stance in initiating and conducting both scientific and applied research projects. This approach allows FutureWater to address current water management challenges effectively while contributing to the advancement of knowledge and practical solutions in the field.
River Basin Management
We provide solutions for sustainable water management at the river basin level through stakeholder collaboration and the use of tools and simulation models. In doing so, we help assess water availability under changing conditions and optimize river basin planning and water allocation. In addition, we strive for integrated planning based on water-food-energy-ecosystem cohesion to promote sustainable management of water resources.
Climate Risk and Adaptation
We apply innovative methods and tools to provide advice on climate change and water resources. Having access to a wide range of climate data and experts allows us to develop a unique approach for each project. We are involved in several projects focused on the impact and adaptation to climate change, in collaboration with various clients and organisations.
Water Productivity and Irrigation
The challenge lies in meeting the food needs of a growing global population while reducing water consumption from irrigation. We integrate hydro-meteorological data, simulations, satellite observations and drone maps to support sustainable water management and water productivity in agriculture. We offer advice on different spatial scales to contribute to the SDG goals.
Water Scarcity and Drought
Periods of drought threaten water and food security worldwide, especially in semi-arid and subtropical regions. We promote sustainable land and water use and improve water distribution strategies to stimulate adaptation. We provide climate risk and vulnerability assessments, advise on investments and develop decision support systems for fast and efficient data processing and results integration.
Nature-based Solutions
We take a comprehensive approach to valuing water-related ecosystem services, combining scenario assessment, simulation modeling and economic valuation. By integrating hydrological models, satellite data and return-on-investment analyses, we support investment plans for improved river basin management, with the aim of promoting healthier ecosystems and sustainable water management.
Mountain Hydrology
We are world leaders in mountain hydrology and apply our expertise in research and consultancy. With our hydrological model SPHY we make forecasts about future water availability, we provide insight into changes in seasonal influences and water demand, and we provide extensive analyzes for the hydropower sector. We make the link between upstream and downstream areas to provide integrated advice on the water-food-energy nexus.
We use a modern toolset and develop tools for sustainable hydropower projects. Among other things, we apply the glacio-hydrological model SPHY for the assessment of discharges and flood risks. In addition, we have experience in assessing sustainable land use, analyzing costs and benefits, and researching hydropower income (sharing) to support dialogue with stakeholders.
Capacity Building
We have extensive experience in training people and organizations. We combine scientific knowledge with consultancy work in the field of hydrology, climate change, satellite data and drones. Our tailor-made training courses are aimed at making complex scientific concepts understandable for various audiences, and we encourage the use of open source software and data.