New project awarded to increase water efficiency in palm oil in Colombia

Source: Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food-Quality Water efficiency in the palm oil sector is one of the prioritized topics for the coming years and is a cornerstone of the bilateral agenda on circular agriculture of the Dutch Embassy in Colombia. As part of the Partners for Water program, a project has been initiated...

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FutureWater presents in NWP webinar on food security and water

Source: NWP The Covid-19 pandemic is reminding us of the importance of water for human health and well-being. The Corona virus came late to Latin America, but the region is now feeling its devastating effects. In the water sector, the crisis is exposing the existing water challenges such as limited access to clean water, weak...

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Revenue sharing in small hydropower: is it worth it?

This month, FutureWater has published an article in the International Water Power & Dam Construction Magazine focusing on the business case for small hydropower (small facilities without significant storage dams) to invest in catchment protection based hydropower. The hydropower sector is showing increasing interest in revenue sharing schemes that promote improved catchment protection activities.  The...

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FutureWater presents successful Webinar on Real Water Savings

Does drip irrigation lead to real water savings? What is the impact of changing the irrigation efficiency on basin scale water flows? How can water managers implement water savings technologies that lead to real water savings? Several of such questions were discussed during a recent webinar. FutureWater in collaboration with the FAO Near East and...

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APSAN-Vale Flying Sensor Portal 2.0 launched

The APSAN-Vale Flying Sensor portal, part of the APSAN-Vale project to show outcomes of the project to the public, has received a major update with some new and very useful functionalities. The project, which started in 2018, is piloting innovations to increase the water productivity and food security for climate resilient smallholder agriculture in the...

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Mozambican – Dutch partnership on water allocation training completed

FutureWater in Mozambique had yet another successful partnership added to its already extensive collaborative activities with this Southern African country. ARA-Sul, the waterboard responsible for water management in the region around Maputo, received an eLearning course on supporting water allocation permit decisions using the WEAP tool. This training was a continuation of collaboration with the...

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eLearning for PLN staff Indonesia successfully completed

FutureWater completed two eLearning courses on hydrology and on climate change for staff of PLN. PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negar) is the biggest electricity company in Indonesia. PLN is increasingly expanding its activities to hydropower and therefore additional training needs on hydrology and climate change was needed. FutureWater developed and delivered those trainings to PLN in...

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FutureWater supporting Sustainable Land Management interventions in Madagascar

Within the Land Use Planning for Enhanced Resilience of Landscapes (LAUREL) project commissioned by the World Bank, a Land Use Change Simulation Platform (LANDSIM-P) has been developed by FutureWater and partners. The objective of LANDSIM-P is to support policy makers in Madagascar by providing an integrated assessment of the impact of current and future land...

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Training in the use of satellite images for water management issues for officials in Myanmar

Source: HKV FutureWater and HKV have received approval of Nuffic to conduct the training ‘Multi-level capacity building on river morphology and flood risk using state-of-the-art open satellite data and processing tools’ in Myanmar. This training is a follow-up of previous trainings at Yangon Technological University for several universities and government entities held in 2018 and...

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Mavo Diami: Drought Driver of Change for Angola

Source: Netherlands Space Office (NSO) The United Nations reminds us of two major effects of climate change every June 17th: desertification and drought. Especially in Africa, where it means food insecurity for at least 45 million people (source UN). In Angola, a consortium of Dutch organisations is working with the Government to introduce climate-smart technologies...

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