On the 28th of January our colleague Evelyn Aparicio Medrano as a panelist during the Colombia Water Platform Meeting.

During the event, organized by Partners for Water, we shared our experience of working in Colombia. Particularly we guided the discussion under pilar 2 which refers to supporting and stimulating project implementation and continuation. FutureWater is active in Colombia since 2017 implementing the HERMANA project.

HERMANA aims to foster the development of an integrated water management decision support system (DSS) that supports daily, tactical and strategic decision-making related to water resources in Colombia, and specifically in the Cauca Valley Basin. The HERMANA tool is a comprehensive system able to provide valuable, relevant, and reliable groundwater and surface water data, and information to high level decision makers and specific users, to an appropriate level of detail and at the time that it is required. HERMANA, which is based on the example of such integrated real-time decision support systems recently developed at selected Water Boards in the Netherlands, is executed by a solid team of experts in water resources, DSS, operational, tactical, and strategic water management and governance, that can work together to support water managers and governments around the world.

Panel Discussion – Water Platform Meeting