In June, FutureWater visited Mozambique for a training session on the Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) model. The training was held at the Mozambique Regional Administration of Waters in the South (ARA-Sul) based in Maputo and was funded by the Blue Deal programme of the Dutch Water Authorities.
The training on the WEAP model comprised of a general introduction, knowledge clips, practical hands-on exercises, and a refresher course on the existing Strategic Water Allocation Model (WAM-S) that FutureWater developed for ARA-Sul in 2014.
In the forthcoming months the WAM-S will be updated to align with the current socio-economic and climatic developments of the region. The updating of the model will be performed in close collaboration with ARA-Sul. The update of the WAM-S model includes the addition of a groundwater component to support decision-making regarding water extraction licensing. We would like to express our gratitude to the Blue Deal programme for enabling the training and model update.