Futurewater has organized a two-week workshop (from 16 to 30 July) to provide hands-on training in relation to a modelling platform (LANDSIM-R) developed part of its activities undertaken for the LAUREL project.
The prototype focuses on simulating hydrological and erosion processes at the regional scale and is provided as a toolbox grouping input data and pre-processing tools required to set up the biophysical model (SPHY).
The main strategic outputs considered are discharge, sediment concentration and soil erosion rate variables needed to support planning and implementation of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) interventions in Madagascar.
To that end, a selected group of representatives from the “Projet Agriculture Durable par une Approche Paysage” (PADAP) program led by the Government of Madagascar through its Ministries in charge of Agriculture, Environment and Water have been trained to gain proficiency in:
- Setting up and running LANDSIM-R
- Interpreting simulation results
- Tailoring the tool to a specific application or catchment.